Sunday, September 16, 2012

Gratitude * Sunday

G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
~Having this last week off from work, and using the time to do some fun stuff for myself.
~Visiting two friends this week, just sharing and listening with each other.
Being a friend and having a friend is so important to me. I am so grateful for the connections and friendships that I have.
~Kayaking in the the lakes. I love to sit on top of the water and just take in the view, sounds, and feeling of floating slowly. I also like to paddle fast and move over the water. It is so great to have such quick and easy access to water and kayaking.
~Family time at the beach. We spent a few mornings and evenings at a special beach north of Florence. It is always magical and beautiful there.
~The playing, exploring, collecting, and observing of nature is such a passion of our family. We have such ease at going to places that land us right in nature, where we all feel connected, happy, and engaged in our surroundings. Peaceful time in nature.
~I am so proud of Melisa right now. She finished Cycle Oregon yesterday, safe and healthy. What an accomplishment. I am so grateful to have a sister who inspires me too.
~I felt pretty lucky this week going on the flight with Cody to see Melisa at Prospect. We also flew over Crater Lake! What a treat! It was amazing, the view of the land and seeing the crater as it really is...a huge crater. So beautiful and what a thrill.
~Fresh eggs each day from our feathered little ladies. They are such nice looking and tasting eggs. The chickens are not always easy to deal with but it sure is nice getting those eggs each day. It is fun to watch chicken behavior, such curious birds.
What are you grateful for these days?

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