Friday, January 8, 2016

Down with the Sickness

Spencer and I have down this week with sickness. Two different kinds, but equally debilitating. I missed a whole week of work. As soon as I was feeling better and ready to return to work then Spencer came down with something. Even though I've missed all this work, I feel grateful for the ability to be home when I'm needed. It would be pretty tough if I couldn't. 

I suppose I'm selfish to also be thankful this happened  during a school work week and not vacation. Since we like to have fun during vacation, and sickness would make us all feel robbed of that time. Spencer and I are definitely in the mend, and life will hopefully return to normal soon. 

I added a picture of Tres playing his guitar for us, since we all adore it when he does play.  No tv or other noise in the house but him singing and strumming, we all like it. Something calming and grounding about it. 

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