Monday, April 18, 2011

MIller Park morning...biking in the skate park!

Here was one of the most impressionable and inspiring moments for Ruben. We arrived at Miller in the morning, since most teenagers aren't out and about riding during this time, I promised the boys we could ride in the park, but not if it was full of other bikers. To our luck we shared the park with just one other biker...Josh. Ruben was truly impressed with Josh's skills in biking. He made the park and his bike seem like a toy. Ruben loudly cheered him on and told him how great his tricks were..."That was awesome!! Mom did you see that?!"   "This guy is really really good!" I agreed he is good and fun to watch. Josh was humble, he smiled and went on another run through the park. No handers, at least 3 feet in the air, jumping, spinning, and landing just right, with speed and grace. It was very cool! So this post is for Josh...we think you are an awesome biker, keep up the good work! and don't forget a helmet my friend...impressionable minds are watching you and your mind is a precious thing to have!

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