Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pancho the beloved! :)

Spencer gives Pancho some cuddles.

Now, Pancho likes this, really! The washable markers must feel like a message. Actually I think he likes it because the kids are laughing, having such a great time, giving him lots of fun attention, and he just soaks it up. Good dog Pancho!

Pancho tolerates this, but kinda likes it too. You are missing the bling necklace he is wearing and his hat came off when he finally had enough and jumped off the couch. They love this dog and every morning wake up and hug him good morning. He truly is two boy's bestfriend. Who doesn't love to play dress up with their dog?

1 comment:

  1. hilarious! Thanks for the laugh :) Pancho, you are such a great sport. I think he knows how loved he is.
